Beware of Those Who Seek to Take Care of You.. 11x15 ps
Blood Lust 11x15 ps
Dark Falls II 16x20 ps
Dark Winds I 16x20 ps
Framed General 11x15 ps
Grand Complication 16x20 ps
Hommage A Richter 16x20 ps
Indiens Borros 11x15 ps
Labrynth 16x20 ps
Leaves 11x15 ps
Lucid Dreams 16x20 ps
Luminous Dreams 16x20 ps
Manifestation 8.5x10 ps
Mary Lincoln 11x15 ps
Memory Mirror 16x20 ps
Primordial 8.5x10 ps
Roosevelt 11x15 ps
Spirit Dreams 16x20 ps
The Further Backward You Go.. 11x15 ps
Tropical Rainfall 16x20 ps
Sky Night 12x9
Art Collector - 15x11
Synergy - 24" x 36"
Memory Board - 36" x 24"
Delight - 24" x 36"
Portrait of a Man - 24" x 36"
Red Painting - 24" x 36"
Window - 24" x 36"
WIndow #2 - 24" x 36"
Fish Series #7 - 36" x 24"
Fish Series #8 - 24" x 36"
Fish Series #9 - 24" x 36"
Vortex - 24" x 36"
Primal Swan - 36" x 24"
Fragments - 24" x 36"
Tube - 5" x 7"
Arabesque #2 - 24" x 36"
Arabesque #1 - 24" x 36"
Gray Painting - 24" x 36"
Hindu Prince - 24" x 36"
Untitled - 24" x 36"
Circuits - 24" x 36"
Reflections - 36" x 24"
Zen Journey - 36" x 24"
Portrait of a Woman - 24" x 36"
Traveling - 24" x 36"
Energy - 36" x 24"
Mountain and Sunset - 36" x 24"
Visionary Landscape - 36" x 24"
Mountains - 36" x 24"
Transformations - 36" x 24"
Translations - 36" x 24"
New Terrain - 24" x 36"
Recent Works
Copyright © 2012 Leving Gallery - Email: info@levinggallery.com